Let me start by saying it has been a long journey to start a blog. I see more and more how much I love writing and storytelling. And good at it. I will begin with a moment that happened in the spring of 2022.

I was standing in the church today, and the worship team was singing. I heard three words, and it shook me a little. I’m not going to lie because God’s voice is very still for me most times, but not today. No, it was very matter-of-fact and straightforward. Let me back up just a minute; a few days ago, I made an IG post stating you can not hear the time, smell time, or see the time; time does belong to us but to God who created it. You can not see or feel faith. Faith is blind. So today, to my surprise, when I heard three words, I immediately prayed for God to teach me and give me insight into them. Now for the three words READY, here they are. ‘HEAR YOUR RHYTHM.’ Hear your rhythm; what does that mean, God? Please tell me. And this is what I know he is saying in this hour to me, to you. We can be running full speed ahead and getting nowhere fast. For me, it’s as though if I’m not moving and sprinting, I feel stagnant, and that word is not in my vocabulary. I have goals that require me to be proactive, and I measure them by weeks, months, quarters, and yearly. Goals need you to have a pulse on them at all times. But what if God told me, Mika, you could break the code if you can hear your rhythm? It is like breaking the code to the SAFE; in it lies the VALUABLES. I believe what God is saying is he will advance us light years ahead when we hear our rhythm.

Mika Race Speaker

I recently read something that left such an impression on my mind. It said, “destroy the idea that you must constantly work or grind to be successful.” Wow. I know. Somehow along the way, we got it mixed up, like, really mixed up. What if we can hear our rhythm and be so sensitive that our feet can feel it and instantly know it’s time to MOVE or it’s time to STOP? What if we can hear it? What if God is saying REST when it is time? RUN when it is time. HEAL when it is time. What if God is saying when you hear it, you won’t have to work so hard because I will multiply, not subtract? Wow, imagine that. One becomes two, and two become four just by hearing our rhythm. So today, lose the idea of YOU running so hard that you can’t slow down enough to HEAR what God is saying. Hearing sometimes involves silence, and silence requires stillness.

Stillness so much that if a feather dropped, you could hear it. Yes, that still.